Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Gifts from Glenn

I have been so blessed to be able to see our children
 and their families before I move :)
One of the things of love most about my husband,
 is his tender heart towards me.
He loves his children and granddaughter also,
very much...but he knows it is different for a mom.
He knew how much it would bless me to take two
visits before I left.  These two things will make it
much easier for me in the "homesickness" department.

I am so relational and I thrive being around folks I love.
Obviously, after the Father and Glenn
would be my children and their families.
So what a wonderful touch to my heart when Glenn
told me that I needed to go see them before we left!

The last month has been a whirlwind with
leaving my job that I really enjoyed :)
Saying goodbye to friends and being
commissioned to "go" at church.
Along with that was a memorable trip to
CA where Dan and Cara totally spoiled me with
their hospitality :)  I am in KS now and instead of
beaching it, bike riding and sharing coffee and
conversation....I am playing Candy Land, Playdoh,
stickers, painting, kitchen and house!  LOL

I am praising Father for
these days! He is stirring up His
Will for us these last weeks and although
we will be sad to leave many, we both
feel we are getting very anxious to go!
His desire has become ours, and that is beautiful!
We are asking for wisdom and courage,
the same that He gave to Paul.
Knowing that He will give us both!

He is our ROCK!

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